日本を代表するフルベジタブルタンニンなめしの専門タンナー・栃木レザーの素材を使用したシリーズ。特にオイル分を多く含んだオイルヴァケッタレザーをメインに使用しております。Neu interesse オリジナルのエンボス加工を施し、英国クラシックモータースポーツのイメージを演出。ポイントとなるカラーリングを取り外し可能な付属品で表現。しなやかで堅牢、年月を重ねるごとに味わい深く変化する素材の特性を最大限にいかしたシリーズです。
The Gechichte employs the leather by a nationally recognized tanner, Tochigi Leather, who is specialized in full-vegetable tanning.Crafted in oiled vachetta leather with the Neu interesse original embossed pattern, it creates an image of classic British motorsport.The detachable accessory in color gives accent to it. Supple yet tough, this series utilizes the characteristics of the material, which ages richly over time.
Tochigi Leather is a Japanese renowned tanner specialized in full-vegetable tanning and is highly recognized worldwide.
By carefully tanning in baths of plant-derived natural tannins over a long period of time, they have been making traditional tanned leather for years.
Their leather is superior in quality, supple yet durable and ages richly as time goes by.

Long wallet

Trifold wallet

Multi wallet

Compact wallet

L-shaped zip wallet